Endometriosis Surgeon


Welcome to the Online Resource Dedicated to Unraveling the Complexities of Endometriosis - a Sanctuary of Information Crafted by an Endometriosis Specialist and Surgeon.

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Welcome to the Online Resource Dedicated to Unraveling the Complexities of Endometriosis - a Sanctuary of Information Crafted by an Endometriosis Specialist and Surgeon.

Endometriosis Care by Dr. Alphy S Puthiyidom

Best Endometriosis Treatment In Dubai

Endometriosis isn't merely a medical term; it represents a journey that millions of women undertake. However, this journey can become challenging due to confusion and misinformation regarding treatments. That's why we've created this website. Here, the focus is entirely on providing accurate information, with true stories, evidence based knowledge, and reliable facts about endometriosis.

Going through endometriosis can be a lot to handle. Yet, remember that you're not alone in this. Whether you're seeking answers, supporting a loved one, or a medical professional eager to expand your understanding, this platform is designed for you. We're here to clear up confusion and give you the answers you need by an endometriosis surgeon.

Let's embark on this journey together, shedding light on the information you need to navigate through the complexities of endometriosis.

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Dr. Alphy S. Puthiyidom is an accomplished gynecologist endometriosis specialist with over 15 years of experience, excelling in advanced and complex laparoscopic surgery with a specialized focus on endometriosis cases. She currently serves as the Head of the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at Mediclinic Welcare Hospital and is frequently sought out as a tertiary referral for difficult surgical cases.

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Best Endometriosis Treatment In Dubai

Improving Quality of Life: Endometriosis Specialist in Dubai

Managing endometriosis, a challenging condition affecting women emotionally and physically, requires comprehensive care. Our dedicated team, including Dr. Alphy S Puthiyidom, an experienced Endometriosis Doctor in Dubai, focuses on enhancing your quality of life by addressing the associated pain. We prioritize holistic treatment, emphasizing a woman's overall well-being.

Our practice provides a peaceful and comfortable environment, along with state-of-the-art technology, to ensure that you receive patient-centered care. We are here to address various concerns related to endometriosis, including pelvic pain, infertility, painful intercourse, painful urination, allergies, uterine fibroids, and ovarian cysts.

Endometriosis affects around 11 percent of women in Dubai, making specialized care crucial. Our experienced Dr. Alphy S Puthiyidom, are dedicated to alleviating the symptoms of endometriosis through advanced treatments and a compassionate approach.

Endometriosis occurs when the tissue lining the uterus grows outside of it, leading to symptoms like pelvic pain, fatigue, intense menstrual pain, discomfort during intercourse, and in severe cases, bladder or intestinal pain. It can also contribute to infertility. At our practice, we focus on understanding and addressing these symptoms to help improve your quality of life.


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